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Welcome to the website of the Internet and Intellectual Property Justice Clinic, a University of San Francisco School of Law clinical program that provides legal assistance to parties in intellectual property matters. For more information, see the "About Us" page.

Our website includes commentary from our students on cutting-edge internet law and intellectual property topics. Those posts are listed below, and more are archived under "Pages" on the right. Enjoy!

Carol Burnett files $2M copyright infringement suit over portrayal of her Charwoman character

LOS ANGELES -- Carol Burnett has filed a $2 million copyright infringement lawsuit against 20th Century Fox, claiming her cleaning woman character was portrayed on the animated series ”Family Guy.”

Besides copyright infringement, Burnett alleges 20th Century Fox violated her publicity rights.

”’Family Guy,’ like ’The Carol Burnett Show,’ is famous for its pop culture parodies and satirical jabs at celebrities. We are surprised that Ms. Burnett, who has made a career of spoofing others on television, would go so far as to sue ’Family Guy’ for a simple bit of comedy,” said 20th Century Fox Television spokesman Chris Alexander.

[Click here to read the full article]

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